The divorce process in Florida (litigation model)

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This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. In this guide, we will address the most common questions and concerns related to alimony in Florida, helping you navigate the complex terrain of this important aspect of divorce law.

The steps ahead

The divorce process in Florida can be a very stressful process. Knowing the steps ahead of time may reduce the stress of the unknown. Depending on the case, the facts and the issues in the process may vary. The information below may help you understand what will happen, can help you prepare to be ready for the legal fatigue and challenges.

Getting the divorce process started

<p>To get the process started one party (Petitioner) will file the Petition and necessary documents to get the case filed with the Clerk of Court. The Respondent will be served with the documents. This will start the 20 day deadline to file and get the “Answer” to the Petition. The Respondent may choose to file a Counter -Petition.</p>


After the Petitions are served and filed the discovery process will commence. The Discovery process can consist of Requests for Production, Request for Interrogatories, Request for Admissions, Depositions, non-party subpoenas, and the hiring of experts (Guardian Ad Litems, vocational experts, business evaluators, CPA’s, appraisers, etc.). After the exchange of discovery the parties will negotiation a settlement and or attend mediation. If the case does not settle, the case will be ready for trial.

Trusting your attorney

Having an attorney that you can trust, rely on and communicate with is key for reducing the stress of a divorce for your entire family. Getting divorced, especially if there are children should be more like untying a knot versus severing the rope.

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